Hello Pack 618!
Reminder that our March pack meeting is this Saturday at 5:45 pm at La Casa De Cristo Church at 6300 East Bell Road (map). We will be in the gymnasium toward the west side of the property.
Please be timely. The meeting will be over around
7:45 pm, and the Phoenix patrol is hosting ice cream afterward.
You don't need to bring anything except your son in Class A uniform. Part of the meeting will be outside, but the forecast right now calls for perfect weather, so you shouldn't need heavy clothes or rain gear. (If the weather does turn south, we will move the meeting inside.)
This month's meeting is NOT just about cheering on the graduates; it's about celebrating the path of scouting for ALL of the boys. Rich and Blake have completely re-vamped the meeting this year to make it more engaging for everyone. We have an outdoor activity planned before the ceremony, and we've made greater efforts this year to get all of the scouts involved in the graduation. We moved the location to be more convenient for most families, and we have indoor accommodations if the weather doesn't cooperate. It's going to be a great meeting and you won't want to miss it.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday!