Monday, January 13, 2014

Pinewood Derby!!! January 25th

Ready, set GO!  This years pinewood derby will be at the CCES multi purpose room on January 25th. Check in will be at the Rabasca's home January 22 and January 24th between 6-8pm. 

Bring your completed and ready-to-race car back to the Rabasca home anytime between 6 and 8 pm on either night (NOT BOTH!) for weigh-ins and qualifications.  We'll keep your car until the derby.

 The race day schedule will be as follows:
- 11:30 Falcons (Webelos II)
- 12:00 Tigers
- 12:30 Wolves
- 1:15 Bears
- 1:45 Phoenix (Webelos 1)
- 2:15 Finals!

~ 3:00 Break down

There will be snacks and Pizza for sale from Crust Pizzeria (Bell and Tatum) served hot and ready to serve for $2.00 per healthy sized slice.

Rules for the derby can be seen below:

While this is a competitive event, each scout that participates in the event will have accomplished a remarkable achievement by building, qualifying and racing his own Pinewood Derby Car, and will receive a Pinewood Derby Patch. Below please find a guide to the activities and the rules for the race.

This is a great chance to help your son learn how to compete in the spirit of good sportsmanship. Please take a moment to review these points with your scout, even if you are experienced derby racers.

•    Everyone's skills are a little bit different. Everyone is an individual first and a racer second. Have respect for each other no matter how well or poorly your cars perform.
•    Follow the rules, without them there would be no Pinewood Derby. There would be no way to know if you are good at something if you don't follow the rules. Always be fair and honest.
•    Every competition has winners and losers. We know this when we choose to compete. There are times when you will win and be happy, and times when you will lose and be unhappy. To be a good sportsman, you must be able to say “I did my best” and be satisfied with the results. If you win, you must not gloat.

Parents are encouraged to teach new skills and principles as the scouts build their cars. The scout should do as much as he can by himself. Any technical assistance given by an adult should be fully explained to the scout so that he may use the knowledge on future projects. Above all, participating in the derby should be safe and fun. Sharp tools, paint, glue, and any potentially dangerous items should be used under the careful supervision of an adult. A parent or other adult should not work on a scout’s Pinewood Derby car when the scout is not present.

As described later in this document, between the main race and the race-off we will have open challenge racing. Parents and siblings of scouts are encouraged to build their own pinewood derby cars for challenge racing.

Car Making
Be sure to follow the rules stated herein. These apply to our pack ONLY!   District now uses a different document to describe their rules, and they tend to make changes to their rules every year; if you comply with the following guidelines, you should be able to race at District as well but please check the District rules (when they are available) to be sure.

A.    The car must be made with Official BSA Pinewood Derby materials, including wheels, axles, and wood block. Each scout is supplied by the pack with a complete official BSA derby car kit. The BSA imprint must be visible on the wheels. Official BSA Pinewood Derby Wheels and axles that are sold separately (not those included in the pack-supplied kit) are allowed as long as they meet the requirements as set forth in Wheels & Axles part B below.
B.    Cars must not have been made before June 1st of the prior year (2013).  This means you may not reuse a car from previous years.
C.    The scout/owner must be present to race his car.  If you cannot be present for any reason (including illness) but you do want to build a car, you can bring your car to qualifications and we will do our best to race the car for you and let you know your times so you will know how your car would have done had you been present.
D.    Each Cub Scout must have an adult guardian present during the race. At the district race, the name of that guardian and cell phone number is required on the registration form.
E.    All cars may be re-weighed and/or re-qualified at any time for cause, which shall be at the sole discretion of the Derby officials.
F.    Decisions of Derby officials are final. 

Weight and Appearance
A.    Total weight of car may not exceed 5.0 ounces on the Official Scale. Weight may be added to reach the maximum weight allowed provided it is firmly affixed.
B.    No loose materials of any kind are permitted in or on the car.
C.    Details such as steering wheel, driver, decals, or painting are allowed provided they do not cause the car to exceed the maximum weight, length, and width.
D.    Car designs or drawings that are deemed pornographic, harassing, sexual or violent in nature, or represent gang affiliation, will not be allowed.

Length, Width, and Clearance
A.    Overall width shall not exceed 2 ¾ inches at the furthest horizontal protrusion, whether it is the body of the car or the wheels.
B.    The distance between the wheels (separation or “wheel stance,” not the “wheelbase”) should be approximately 1 ¾ inches to ensure that the wheels will fit over the guide strips of our pack’s track.
C.    Overall length of the car (measured from the furthest point forward to the furthest point rearward) shall not exceed 7 inches.
D.    The wheelbase (distance between the front and rear axles) must measure between 4 1/4 and 4 5/8 inches.
E.    The actual position of the axle, with respect to the body, is not regulated, provided the wheelbase requirement is met (see Length, Width, and Clearance part D above). In other words, it is not required to position the axles in the slots that have been precut into the wood block.
F.    The underside of the front of the car or the front itself may not be undercut or notched so as to allow the car’s nose to protrude past the starting gate. No part of the car may extend past the starting gate.  If the official starter is not able to adjust for a fair start, the protruding car will not be allowed to race.
G.    Bottom clearance between the lowest part of the car and the track should be at least 3/8 inches to clear the guide strip of our track. 

Wheels & Axles
A.    The wheels and axles must be official BSA Pinewood Derby wheels and axles (see General part A above) that are received in original, unaltered BSA packaging.  Buying wheels or axles that are shaped, machined or pre-selected by another person is not allowed.
B.    No alteration, narrowing, lathe cutting, or re-shaping of the wheels (inside or outside) is allowed. Light sanding to wheel treads to remove irregularities is permissible. However, the serrated edges of the wheel treads must remain visible. No “H” or “V” cut patterns in the wheels. 
C.    Minimum wheel diameter is 1.180 inches (most wheels measure between 1.195 to 1.200 inches).
D.    Wheel bearings, spacers, and washers are prohibited.
E.    No covers, stickers, or hubcaps will be allowed over the wheels or axles – axle heads (on the outside of the wheel) must be visible.
F.    For the district race, the axle point (in the body) must be visible.
G.    No springs or any suspension mechanism is allowed.
H.    All cars must have four wheels, three of which must be touching the track surface at all times.
I.    The car must be freewheeling with no starting or launching device.

A.    Any type of dry lubricant is permitted. Graphite is highly recommended.
B.    Cars can be lubricated before registration. Cars may not be lubricated thereafter. Violation will result in forfeiture.
C.    At the district race, each racer is responsible for bringing lubricant to the race.
D.    At the district race, re-lubrication will be permitted just prior to any run-off races that are required to determine final placement.

A.    There will be a repair station set up on race day to assist with unexpected car damage or malfunction.
B.    Repairs will be conducted under the supervision of a race official.
C.    Under no circumstance will a repair allow lubrication of unaffected parts.
Violation of Rules
Violation of any of the rules may result in disqualification of the car from racing.

Car Qualification
For the district race, qualification occurs the day of the event, just prior to the event. For our pack, the following rules apply:

•    You must qualify your car in order to race on Race Day.
•    You will be able to do challenge racing if you don't qualify; see details below.
•    Qualification One, Wednesday January 22, 6 PM – 8 PM.
•    Qualification Two, Friday January 24, 6 PM – 8 PM.
•    The location for the qualification activity will be the Rabasca Residence – directions will be provided via email when we get closer to the qualification dates.
•    Cars will be qualified against the specifications and rules noted in this document.
•    Upon successful qualification, the scout will be given a Pit Pass and the derby car will be retained until race day.
•    The scout must present the Pit Pass to get his car for racing on race day.
•    If your car does not qualify, you will be told of the problem and the car will be returned.
•    Disqualified cars will have the opportunity to make repairs/modifications and can re-qualify within the time frames for qualification.
•    A work station will be setup for making changes at the qualification, however:

Pack Race Day, Copper Canyon Elementary School, Saturday January 25, 2011, 11:30 AM
Racing Activity
●    Please be sure to show up on time, we'll begin promptly with the FALCONS at 11:30 AM.
●    When you are called up to race, bring your pit pass to the racing area entrance.
    Only the current racers are allowed inside the racing area.
●    Hand your car to the race operator when asked.
●    Retrieve your car after the run and return to the race operator.
●    On the last run the car will be returned to a coordinator at the racing area exit.
●    Scouts are to race their own car.
●    If during a race, a car leaves the track, runs out of its lane, interferes with another car, loses an axle, etc., the race may be run again. If the same car misbehaves a second time, it will be disqualified, and the race will be run yet again, with the disqualified car omitted.
●    If problems in the track or scoring system occur during a race, that race will be re-run to ensure accurate results.  
●    In the event of difficulties or disputes concerning any aspect of the Pinewood Derby, race officials shall determine the appropriate action. Decisions of the race officials are final.
Main Racing
●    The Main Race will be conducted according to Den/Patrol by advancing rank. Falcons first this year, then Tigers, wolves, etc.
●    The track has 3 lanes and a computerized scoring system. You will be able to see the results with each race.
●    Each scout will have 3 runs, one on each lane.
●    The scouts’ ranking will be determined by their average run time (not their fastest).
●    The top three racers from each den will receive a ribbon for their achievement.
●    The winners will be announced as results are available (should be shortly after the end of each rank’s race).
●    Those who do not make the race off will have their cars returned at the conclusion of the Main Race.
Challenge Racing
●    If there is time between den races or before the finals, we will allow open racing for bragging rights (parents and siblings too).
●    Those advancing to the Championship Race-Off may not participate.
●    Scouts who did not qualify a car for the racing activity will be given first priority.
Championship Race-Off
●    The top racer from each rank will advance to the Championship Race-Off.
●    Of the remaining cars, regardless of rank, the best 11 average times will earn a wild card berth to the race-off (the higher ranking scout will receive precedence in ties; if a tie occurs between scouts of the same rank, the tie will be broken with a coin toss).
●    The race-off will consist of the best 2 out of 3 runs on alternating lanes, where the higher seed selects lane if a third run is needed.
●    The top four racers will receive a trophy as recognition.

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