Friday, October 24, 2014

Hello Pack 618!

Our pack has always placed a high value on community service, and next week we have two opportunities to help those in need (and have a whole lot of fun!).

Wednesday Night, anytime between 7-8:30 pm:  The Hoey Family is hosting a haunted house at their home (5202 E. Danbury Road, here's a map).  Admission cost is one food item (non-perishable and non-breakable, please) per person to donate to the St. Vincent DePaul food pantry.  A flier is attached; please come out and support this great event!

Thursday Night, 7-8:30 pm is our regular October pack meeting and Halloween Party.  We'll be meeting in the cafeteria of Copper Canyon Elementary School, here's a map.  Everybody (and I mean EVERYBODY!) should be in costume. We'll also be accepting food donations at our pack meeting, so please bring any food items that you can spare.

I'm told that the pantry is in particular need of rice, spaghetti sauce, and tuna right now, but all types of food are gratefully accepted.  All food donations should be non-perishable and non-breakable!   That means boxes, bags, cans or plastic bottles, but please NO GLASS!    

Special thanks to the Hoey family for hosting the haunted house, and to Amanda Cramer for coordinating the food drive!

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